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Why LinkedIn and email are a deadly combination


Updated: Sep 30, 2022

You might be like many B2B consultants or business owners and use LinkedIn to generate leads but not cold email outreach.

Or you use cold email but not LinkedIn.

Or you get your work by referral and word of mouth, or via SEO and inbound inquiries but have no cold outbound system in place.

I constantly meet people who are making good business with some or one of the above methods but are leaving money on the table by not combining LinkedIn and cold email as an outbound strategy to reach decision-makers.


Simply because not every decision maker, particularly the busy ones, are on LinkedIn that much.

Cold outreach or organic methods require people to be active and responsive to InMail, messages or content you share and reply to your outreach efforts.

You can have the most amazing service in the world, the best hook and the best offer but if people are not there to even view your message, you will get crickets.

SEO and inbound inquiries are great for businesses who are actively googling for solutions to their problems.

But what happens if people do not even know what they need?

Like how to help an underperforming sales team?

Or how to navigate the change and transformation process required to handle VC funding and scale ?

Or to how to improve their safety and security standards and documentation to prevent accidents?

Leaders rarely google for solutions to these problems and MIGHT find out via friends advice.

But if you rely entirely on word of mouth and referral you know your pipeline is too unpredictable to plan for real long term growth.

You need a consistent strategy of generating conversations with decision makers in the right size of company, in the right industry and geography, facing the right challenge right now.

You need to get in front of them with your short offer of value and open the door to a conversation.

The deadly combination of pathways to these decision makers is LinkedIn and email cold outreach.

The ones who you cannot reach on LinkedIn can be reached on email.

The ones who are not responsive on email can be reached on LinkedIn.

Many times you can reach them on both and double your chances of them responding to your message amidst the flurry of business which fights for their attention every day.

A multi channel outbound campaign can instantly increase your message to call booking ratio.

Let me put this in context for you.

If you are currently sending about 100 LinkedIn messages per week because this is the current limit LinkedIn has placed on outreach.

This is 400 messages per month.

If you get roughly 4% call booking [low] that is 16 calls with potential leads per month.

If of these 50% are qualified leads, that 8 qualified leads and depending on your sales cycle you can close 50% of qualified leads that is 4 clients per month.

Simply add email to the same list and you can double these numbers.

If your consulting offer is a mere $5k you are looking at growing your monthly revenue from $20k - $40k without much extra effort.

If your contract size is closer to $15k or higher then the numbers quickly climb into the six figures.

The beauty of this strategy is that you are targeting the same list with the same message and invitation.

You are just doubling your chances of even getting the first conversation and opening the door to the sales process.

Building a multi channel outbound campaign across LinkedIn and email is just one of the elements of my 3 month consulting offer.

The others include:

  • Nailing your B2B offer and message so it resonates with key decision makers

  • Profiling and building lists of your ideal clients across LinkedIn and email

  • Optimising your LinkedIn profile for maximum conversion

  • Setting up and launching multi channel outbound campaigns across email and LinkedIn

  • Automating and systemising these processes with software and tools that give you hands free to handle inquiries and calls

  • Installing a fully trained VA to handle this process for you so you can be CEO of your company and not prospecting and messaging every day

Over the three months we work closely 1to1 to build a strategy that works for you and your offer. It’s not a group programme and the investment is currently $5k.

This system works best for consultants who have a proven offer that they already sell and have testimonials and evidence that it works and solves the problem for a business client.

Ideally you would already be selling $5k minimum per month of your B2B services and want to add another $10k - $100k of revenue per quarter to your business and fill up your pipeline in a predictable manner.

If you would like to talk about how you can set up your B2B lead generation system across LinkedIn and email just message me and we can set up a chat

Why LinkedIn and email are a deadly combination
Why LinkedIn and email are a deadly combination

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