You have to take on risks in order to grow
you have to grow new skills and new mental maps to understand business, finance, and sales
you have to think creatively in order to problem solve for others
you have to deal with your own fears that make you shrink away from rejection,
you have to lean into negotiation and speak up when you feel like avoiding conflict
you have to show up with confidence when you don't feel confident
You have to accept criticism when it’s right and apologize; put aside criticism when it’s wrong
You have to rigorously organize, record-keep, track and measure even if you don’t like the minor details
you have to discipline urges to be distracted or jump to a new shiny idea
you have to focus and work when you don’t feel motivated
you have to respond to others' doubts and questions on sales calls with agility,
you have to accept smokescreens, ghosting, and lack of communication from prospects with equanimity
you have to constantly seek to understand others and your own blind spots
you have to sacrifice the short-term pain for the long-term gain
you have to keep trying even when it feels like things are failing
The list is endless. What else have you learned from running a business?