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Three Large 5-Fig Contracts In The Past 6-Months

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

David Graham, sales trainer and founder of The Customer Experience, was stuck relying on a sizeable associate partner, which would take a chunk of every client fee.

David started working with me when he was ready to generate more clients and take on more creative projects of his own.

We worked on optimizing his LinkedIn outreach, tapping into his already existing network, sharpening his message, and putting the systems and processes in place to generate new leads regularly.

Since December 2021, David has been able to land three large 5-figure contracts of which he can keep 100% of the revenue for himself.

He is in a position to gradually reduce his reliance on any associate or referred work and scale some of these contracts into multi-year 6 -figure deals.

To find out more about how you can leverage LinkedIn and cold email to generate more $10k - $100k contracts regularly, comment below, and we can set up a short chat.

Three Large 5-Fig Contracts In The Past 6-Months
Three Large 5-Fig Contracts In The Past 6-Months | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency

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