If you are a business owner who is spending time on any of the following tasks:
Adding prospects on LinkedIn
Crafting personalized outreach messages for each new connection
Liking and commenting on other people’s posts and content
Posting your content on multiple social media platforms
Handling inbound messages on social media
Withdrawing pending connection requests regularly
Finding valid email addresses for lists of leads
Setting up and sending cold email campaigns to these leads
Checking the inbox health of your cold email campaigns to make sure they are not going into spam or categories
Handling standard replies and sending follow-up messages
Logging leads into your CRM
Booking calls into your calendar
Then I’m sure you appreciate what a considerable time investment this is every week!!
It takes you away from the other important work you need to do:
handling client work,
creating valuable new content,
taking sales calls and sales meetings,
leading your team,
or generally being the CEO of your company.
But it also means that you can’t step away from your work for a week of a holiday without your lead flow drying up!!
To help you out, I have created a brand new training titled “How to Use $3/ hr [USD] Virtual Assistants [VAs] to Book You 40 Calls A Month”.
You can check out the free training here.
We are also helping B2B consultancies and agencies to hire, train and manage their own VA in-house to help with the heavy lifting of cold outreach campaigns.
If you would like help to systemize and scale your LinkedIn and cold email campaigns using a VA, then reply to this email, and we can set up a short call.