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Updated: Jan 9, 2024

We looked at our numbers for the year and found some interesting trends that helped us forecast and plan our strategy for 2024. 

  • 44 clients [32 new clients and 12 recurring from 2022] 

  • 189 sales calls / an average of 16 calls completed each month. 

  • 23% call to client close rate 

  • 45% of calls booked via outbound email 

  • 17% of calls booked via outbound LinkedIn 

  • A total of 62% of calls were booked via cold outbound efforts. 

  • 10% of calls booked via inbound inquiry on LinkedIn or website

  • 15% of calls are booked via referrals and word of mouth 

  • 38% of closed business came via cold outbound 

  • 9% of closed business came via inbound inquiry 

  • 28% of closed business came via word of mouth and referrals 

  • 19% of the closed business came via old clients returning for more help 

  • 5% of closed business came via retargeting ads on Facebook and Instagram 

Based on these metrics we have isolated what to focus on and improve for the coming year. 

We plan to improve cold outbound and this includes using intent data and sharpening our knowledge of best practices of email and LinkedIn to enhance campaign results for ourselves and our clients. 

We will focus more attention on brand building and content to improve inbound inquiries via SEO, LinkedIn, and web search. 

We will expand our services to help our clients with their brand building, thought leadership, and content strategy to enhance both outbound and inbound results. 

We will continue to create delighted clients who refer business to us, and sign up again for longer periods or higher tier support. 

What do your numbers show you for 2023? 

What are your plans for 2024? 

2023: A Year In Review | Jen Bishop Consulting best lead generation agency in London UK

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Updated: Dec 21, 2023

Do you lurk ? 

Do you log in and read, but never post?

Do you accept connections but never make them? 

Do you join groups or follow events and newsletters but never attend or host?

LinkedIn lurking much like any social media lurking is watching what is going on and figuring out what you like or dislike 

However, If you want to grow your business 

  1. Add the right connections 

  2. Share relevant content 

  3. DM people warm and value driven messages 

  4. Have conversations with you network in the newsfeed and via DMs 

  5. Get on calls and invite people to work with you 

Don’t be a lurker.

LinkedIn Lurking | Jen Bishop Consulting best lead generation agency in London UK
Jen Bishop Consulting best lead generation agency in London UK

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Updated: Dec 12, 2023

I’m often asked if we should try a new gif image in emails and outbound LinkedIn messages. 

Or auto generated personalized images that contain jokes and custom branding to engage leads. 

Of whether a video survey tool would be helpful to encourage more engagement with call booking. 

Or custom videos showing a personalized message to each lead. 

I see email newsletters that are sent fully branded and designed each month with headers, logos, links and monthly themes. 

The thing is that these flourishes are nice but generally gimmicks don’t work. 

By gimmicks I mean cool marketing tricks to make messages look better or to create more clicks and engagement. 

At the heart of great sales and lead generation is a simple and lean method: 

  1. Speak to the right person 

  2. About their felt challenge or need in a way that helps them understand their own challenges better

  3. Offer a clear pathway or solution to solve this problem in a way that is credible

  4. Invite engagement in a low risk way [a short chat for example]. 

Personalized or individualized messages are only necessary for exclusive and highly desired clients. 

Clear and understandable messaging can be scaled and replicated for outreach without losing efficacy. 

If you have a clear and resonating message you do not need a highly branded, clickbait, funny meme driven outbound message. 

You do not need clever video survey devices 

Generally companies looking for these gimmicks are avoiding the underlying issue plaguing their business - low market message resonance. 

Once you have a clear and simple message to a specific audience and offer a clear and credible solution,

Sales and lead generation should work smoothly and without friction. 

Without gimmicks.  

If you would like to improve your market message resonance and improve your lead generation efforts, then comment below or reply to this message and we can have a short conversation.

Gimmicks Don’t Work | Jen Bishop Consulting best lead generation agency in London UK

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