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Updated: Sep 28, 2022

An old adage goes: “People love to buy, but they don’t love to be sold”.

Indeed. When we are sad, it’s common to go shopping and spend money.

It’s called “Retail therapy”.

Instead of doing the hard work of building a business, we find it easier to invest in another course, another gadget, another book or conference, or another software or tool.

Often, our self-care is often equated with a luxury holiday, some nice clothes, an expensive meal out.

Buying is a very human process.

It is psychological and emotional.

We choose by emotion and justify on logic.

When selling to others, understanding this process helps a lot.

First, realised that we cannot create desire, we can only tap into and channel the desire that is already there.

The buying process is designed to connect with people’s feelings - their feeling of current struggles and challenges.

And their feeling of desire for a solution and future outcome.

Since we know that people want to buy, our job is to help them buy.

And to not make them feel sold.

If we can help others see what is holding them back from achieving their desire, and see that it is simple a lack of know-how, or a lack of a proven system.

And if we can help them see that we have this know-how and this proven system, now we have a prospect poised to buy.

Good copy and good sales strategy, helps people to dream about what they want and to see their desired future within arms reach.

It helps them to buy.

People WANT To Buy
People WANT To Buy | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london

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Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Can You Target Someone Similar To You?

We often seek to eliminate prospects who do something similar to us

It’s likely they do not need what we have to offer

Or they are the competition.

Yet I’m learning that it is OTHER marketers who are often the best clients.

They might be doing SEO or paid ads.

Or they might be specialists at landing pages, funnels, PR, design and branding or even lead generation.

But they need to learn about LinkedIn and cold email outreach.

In SOME cases they do IDENTICAL things to me and want to learn my process.

At best someone similar to you might end up becoming a great client and getting great results

And then referring colleagues to your service if get great results and complement their service

At worst they learn all your ideas and become your competition.

But you know there are more than enough clients for everyone

And no one can ever be you or deliver results like you do.

Either way you can TOTALLY target people similar to you.

Can You Target Someone Similar To You?
Can You Target Someone Similar To You? | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency

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Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Getting hyper-specific about your ideal client is not easy

But it is super important if you want to sell your consulting offer like hot cakes!

Why so?


  • if prospects can see that you have worked with their type before ….

  • If they can taste the results you achieve for clients just like them...

  • If they perceive that this process is contained within a certain time frame …

  • And if they can track results predictably over a few steps or milestones ...

  • If they can see what these milestones are and what these entail at a high level …

  • If they can see themselves walking that road and getting those results,

Then they begin to feel that you have a highly tailored offer just for them…..

Even if in fact your offer helps hundreds or thousands of other people….

The specifications of your offer make them feel like you GET them …

People want to work with experts who have done it before and have the shirt to prove it.

Who would you rather have consult you on the strange lump on your leg? A world class specialist in leglumps or the GP or nurse in the emergency department?

The specialist right!??


Because you know they are best to give you the diagnosis you need.

If you are very specific about who you help and how it’s easier for them to justify an investment of money and or time with you

If prospects are unclear about any of these, you will get replies such as ‘let me think about it’ or ‘let me get back to you.’

  • You might think your market does not have the budget right now

  • Or you might seek more leads or try paid ads or SEO instead

But simply getting CRYSTAL clear on WHO you help and HOW you help them and using this in your messaging and content strategy will radically shift the responses you get

I learned a great strategy recently and it is simply to create a big spreadsheet of all your past clients, listing the problems they had and the results you have created for them.

Pick out patterns among them according to the best results you created [and worse results].

This becomes your story, the narrative you tell your prospects, the messaging of your offer, the copy of your website and social media and VSL

This makes outreach smoother, selling smoother and helps create more happy clients.

Who Is Your Ideal Client?
Who Is Your Ideal Client? | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london

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