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Updated: Sep 25, 2022

Building your thought-leadership and brand presence on LinkedIn is quite straightforward but often overlooked.

Imagine inbound inquiries from key people inside multi-million dollar companies who reach out because they recognise you as a leading influencer in your sector?!

This is entirely possible with a few simple strategies in place.

Forget BNI,, and even regular business events and conferences. LinkedIn is your networking and brand-building platform 24/ 7.

The following three steps can help you boost your brand presence and authority on LinkedIn and facilitate more business conversations with the right people.

First, add the right people to your network.

If you go to an event or conference at which all the attendees' names, roles, and companies are published in advance you probably spend quite a while analysing the attendee list and prioritising people to engage over break-time coffee, lunch, or after-drinks.

You can make sure you’re in the right break-out sessions with the right people and you can message delegates ahead of time to suggest a meeting.

LinkedIn is like this but it never switches off. You can find pretty much endless lists of people in your niche by role title, company, geography, revenue, industry, and many more variables.

You can reach out and directly engage them, add them as connections, ask them questions, and suggest short meetings.

Second, engage meaningfully with your network’s posts and content.

Each day spend a portion of time [30 mins or more] liking, commenting on, and otherwise engaging with the content of your target demographic.

Just like at a conference you will attend sessions, keynotes, break-outs, and display stands of businesses in your sector, take some time to browse and engage with your network.

The more important leads or connections are to you, the more you want to pay attention to what they are posting, commenting on, or how they are behaving on LinkedIn.

By simply interacting with their posts and content, they are more likely to see and engage with your content and are more likely to be open to warm conversation and connection when the time is right.

Third, post meaningful content regularly.

By regularly I don’t mean several times a day. Once or twice per week is enough.

By using LinkedIn articles, you can write long-form content that both educates and inspires your network to think differently about their challenges and potential solutions.

Videos and short-form content are very powerful as well.

By sharing high-value content, educating, and inspiring your network, you effectively advance your presence as a thought leader in your sector and become and focus point for inbound inquiries.

Fourth, make direct invitations to talk to you.

This does not mean spamming or pitching your network until someone says yes.

It does mean don’t hold back inviting people directly to a chat, in which you can explore their challenges and which you can offer them relevant advice, tips, and strategies that help them immediately.

By engaging one-to-one and in direct conversation, you manage to create warm relationships with leads who now can see that you can help them solve some of the prickly problems they face in their business or life.

If you are able to maintain these four steps with regularity, you will be assured of a strengthened brand presence, authority, and profile in your sector and both inbound and outbound leads will be more plentiful !!

How do you build your brand on LinkedIn?

Building Your Brand On LinkedIn
Building Your Brand On LinkedIn | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency

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Updated: Sep 25, 2022

I’m raising my prices in 2022.

There are PLENTY of reasons why consultants lift their prices.

One simple reason is that you eliminate difficult clients by simply raising your fees

Indeed it’s true that there is a band of clients who want the cheapest possible program and are more likely to complain, not do the work or demand a lot of support.

By simply raising your prices you eliminate these clients and attract a tier of clients who are more efficient, solutions-focused, who take responsibility, do the work and then move on.

Raising your prices is also a way of niching down.

Indeed if you are gaining results for your clients and want to get more specific results, one easy way of doing this is by raising your fees.

By immediately excluding a range of clients you can focus on getting results with a more specific demographic.

This in turn helps your testimonials and results as you simply help better clients get better results on a more consistent basis and so forth.

Another reason for raising your prices is simply put; economically you can do more for your clients when you have more revenue.

Greater profit margins mean you can invest more in your business, in yourself, in your systems, and in the solutions that you provide for your clients.

Think about it, are you more likely to put your faith in the cheapest car or the more expensive brand?

Raising your prices is not always a matter of mindset.

Nor do you need to have a massive ego to charge high fees for what you do.

Simply you need a service that is positioned and packaged in such a way as to speak to your ideal clients about benefits and results they can credibly see and believe in.

If you can create a 5:1 or 10:1 ROI on any investment with you then the economics make sense.

Next, you focus on the clients who will get the results and will afford you the margins to continue to grow your business.

So, will you raise your prices in 2022?

Why You Should Raise Your Prices!
Why You Should Raise Your Prices! | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london

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Updated: Sep 25, 2022

If you have a niche, perhaps you help ‘home contractors’ such as electricians, plumbers, and builders with Facebook ads.

Or if you are getting more specific, maybe you help ‘home remodeling contractors’ with Facebook ads.

Or if you are even more specific, maybe you help ‘heritage-listed home remodeling contractors’ with Facebook ads.

What each of these niches LACK however is a ‘problem-centered approach.

What does your group of ‘heritage-listed home remodeling contractors’ have in common that is a significant challenge or pain?

Is it that they currently get work by referral but do not have a system for bringing in regular leads?

Is it that they are currently stuck at $10k months but would like to grow to $100k months with more leads and bigger contract sizes?

Is it that they are not getting enough of their IDEAL contracts which are large-scale renovations and million-dollar home remodeling contracts?

Once you have a niche that has a common problem, and a common starting point, then you are set better positioned to appeal to them with your messaging.

  1. You know where to find them and this means you can focus your search on the one or two platforms that they frequent

  2. Your content and message speaks to them because you resonate clearly with their current situation and desired future

  3. You can offer value in a short period of time because you can map out a solution and get results for them succinctly

  4. You can create consistent and highly leveraged results because you are positioned to help them in such a specific way

  5. You can charge higher fees because you are now a thought leader and industry specialist within your niche and create such significant results

When thinking about your niche -do you have a problem-based niche?

Do You Have A Problem Based Niche?
Do You Have A Problem Based Niche? | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london

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