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Updated: Sep 21, 2022

If you're an expert, author, consultant or service provider you probably hate sales.

Hate cold calling.

Hate pitching yourself.

Unless you’re an extrovert, it does not sit well with you to spruik about your services, showing your face on every social platform.

You’re not like the gurus who seem to shout or boast or talk quickly, hyping up an audience.

It’s far better to just have a conversation with a prospect and talk intelligently to them about their business challenges.

Given this opportunity you could close 60% or more of your conversations into business - is that right?

Well never fear.

If you don’t like sales then using LinkedIn for lead generation is just for you.

The reason I say this is because B2B sales and indeed any high ticket sales is about relevance and distinction.

By this I mean it’s less about perceived fame, followers or popularity. It’s less about hyper confidence, positivity, and fast-talking.

Intelligent, busy people and companies looking for a solution want to speak to an expert who creates results for businesses like them.

92% of b2b prospects will speak to someone they perceive to have authority and thought leadership in their sector.

60% of the buying decision is done before the first meeting as prospects will look for a solution that is trusted and reputable.

So if you hate sales, how do you raise your authority, thought leadership, trust and reputation in the market?

LinkedIn is the platform for B2B networking and lead generation because of the sheer volume of business decision-makers accessible via basic search functions.

The first step is to grow your network.

Just adding the right people to your network alone is a great step towards growing your reach.

The second step is to share value.

By this, I mean sharing insights into the problems your network faces that you uniquely solve.

Show how you address these problems with your distinct solution.

No hype, no bragging. Simply take the time to show your relevance to the network you are building.

People have problems that need solving. Think of it as your obligation to help them find the best solution for them.

The third step is to give direct invitations to your network to engage with you.

Invite them to a free masterclass, roundtable, or 1to1 consultation.

And I mean invite them via a direct message that they cannot miss.

Don’t wait for them to reach out to you but give them the opportunity to engage with you directly.

A direct invitation to a more specific piece of value can deepen a relationship and give you valuable information about your prospect and even whether they would be a good client for you or not.

These three simple steps entail little in the way of what you might cringe about with selling - cold calling, pitching, larger-than-life presentations, and motivational speaking.

Instead, grow your network, add value, give direct invitations to engage.

These three steps are responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of business won on LinkedIn every day.

If you would like to build a high ticket lead generation system using LinkedIn then my 12-week program might be just for you.

We work closely together to build a predictable system for finding, engaging with, and converting b2b prospects for your business using LinkedIn and cold email.

All in a non-salesy and non-pitchy manner.

We start by identifying your ideal client and the key decision-makers so we can fill up your network with the right people.

Next, we craft your content and value messages in such a way as to build your relevance and distinction in the market.

Third, we create an engaging invitation via direct message to your leads that creates a personal relationship within which you can begin to understand their true needs and desires and move them towards a business relationship.

All this is completed with tools and trackers and systems to ensure follow-up, record keeping and KPIs are consistent and will work for you consistently for months and years to come.

This system works best for high ticket b2b consultants and service providers with an existing offer of $5k or more who are successfully selling their service via other means such as word of mouth, referrals, SEO, paid ads or more and do not have a strong LinkedIn or cold email outbound strategy in place.

With this system, the right persons could predictably book 5-10 new leads per week and cultivate several new serious business proposals each month adding hundreds of thousands of dollars to their pipeline each month.

If you would like to develop a strong LinkedIn strategy simply reply below and we can have a conversation.

Why LinkedIn Is Great If You Don't Like To Sell
Why LinkedIn Is Great If You Don't Like To Sell | Jen Bishop consulting and marketing strategy social media

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Updated: Sep 21, 2022

I know a consultant on Facebook who charges $7k for one month just to focus on helping people to articulate their offers.

That's four x 1hr meetings plus some homework for the client, for $7,000 USD.

I know consultants who charge $100k to build a funnel for a business - that’s landing pages, a video sales letter, and web copy.

We are not talking about an extensive app that requires a team of developers' time.

Just the messaging around the offer is presented in beautiful video and landing page format.

Why does offer messaging alone attract such premium fees?

Because EVERYTHING else about the success of lead generation, marketing, sales qualification, sales closing, and ultimately revenue hangs on the clarity and power of an offer.

A clearly articulated offer will determine:

  • WHO do you reach out to. The more specific you are the better.

  • Thus, WHO exclude

  • WHAT is their defined starting point and WHAT other criteria make them uniquely qualified to get the best results with your intervention

  • WHAT results do you get for this certain client and through WHAT sequence of actions?

  • HOW your unique solution can help them achieve their goals and in WHAT steps

  • HOW you are different from other offers in the market

A clearly definition offer will also determine:

  • WHAT channel you reach them on.

  • HOW you qualify them for the sale based on all the above criteria

  • The BRAND experience of clients who work with you.

While simple enough in theory, nailing your offer message is not an EASY process.

It requires excluding a bunch of potential clients and a bunch of great services.

It requires testing your assumptions and iterating your offer in multiple stages to get to the point where you’re consistently getting the outstanding results you promise your clients

It requires you knowing exactly what you're uniquely good at doing for clients and focusing on that

Capturing that value clearly in text and video and sequencing it in such a way that your prospect is led by the hand to the point of decision is the next step.

The magic of sales and the magic of a great offer. comes down to this clarity.

And THIS Is worth thousands even hundreds of thousands of dollars !!

Do you have a clear offer?

In my 12 week B2B High Ticket Bootcamp we spend a significant amount of time nailing your offer before launching any outbound campaigns

Getting your offer right alone is worth the price of the program ALONE, not to mention the other key components which:

  1. Creating lists of your ideal client using LinkedIn and email databases

  2. Researching and personalising outreach messages and validating emails

  3. Scripting your outreach messages and replies for maximum engagement

  4. Setting up and launching your outbound campaigns across LinkedIn and email

  5. Creating follow up processes and systems for your pipeline as it fills with leads

  6. Hiring and appointing virtual assistants to help with this process and scale

For most B2B consultants, one client alone is worth $5k - $10k and to start to bring in a new client a month [at the very minimum] across a 12 month period is at LEAST a $60k - $120k boost in revenue.

If your clients are closer to $20k - $100k what would one new client a quarter look like? That’s at least a $80k - $400k boost in revenue.

Every year recurring.

You can see why $7k on an offer message workshop or $100k on a funnel and landing page is worth it for many businesses.

Get the basics right and the leads will be converted to regular revenue.

You will in no time pay back the investment to get it right and continue to reap the dividends.

If you’d like to start getting new B2B clients from LinkedIn and email please comment below and we can set up a chat.

Getting The Offer Right
Getting The Offer Right | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency

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Updated: Sep 23, 2022

People ask me why I recommend LinkedIn AND email for B2B cold outreach.

Of course, I use Facebook as well [and email and blog posts] but definitely far and away, LinkedIn and cold email are the two channels where B2B consultant and businesses leads can be found.

LinkedIn is rich with personal profiles, and heaps of social intent data about leads such as who people are networking with, what events they are attending, whether they are hiring, what groups they participate in, what content they are sharing, whether the company is going through a merger, how new they are in their role and so on and so forth.

LinkedIn is the place to GET TO KNOW your prospect and to inform your cold outreach.

However, LinkedIn is only 50% of the equation.

Many niches such as trades, bricks-and-mortar businesses, healthcare businesses [doctors, dentists], and more are not on LinkedIn at all.

Many key decision-makers are not accessible via LinkedIn even if they have a profile. This is either because they are not active on LinkedIn or because they’re unresponsive to cold connections.

As a result, you can connect with and message key people but they just won’t see your message or reply. And it’s nothing to do with your service not being of interest.

Email is the PERFECT supplement to LinkedIn because EVERY industry and demographic is reachable via email

Many of the people who are on LinkedIn but entirely unresponsive there, can and will be very open and warm on email.

Some people who see your message on LinkedIn might forget it but when they see a second message on email might then pick up the conversation and reply. And vice versa.

As a result, a multi channel outbound campaign across LinkedIn and email is a great way to secure the most interested leads.

If LinkedIn doesn’t work, email might. If email doesn’t work, LinkedIn might.

If a secretary reads and filters emails, a LinkedIn connection and DM might get right to the decision maker.

If a new email is read in haste and forgotten, a LinkedIn message might reignite the conversation and vice versa.

Of course there are ENDLESS marketing channels and methods including paid ads, SEO, cold calling, postal mail, conferences and events and more.

ALL of them work well and have different strengths and weaknesses.

However LinkedIn and cold email outbound are the two channels that work the best for B2B high ticket consulting cold lead generation.

If you are interested in generating new B2B leads organically through LinkedIn and cold email then my 12 week B2B High Tickets Bootcamp might be just the thing for you.

We work closely for 3 months to refine who you are targeting [the key decision maker and how to find them], setting up and launching cold outbound campaigns including the whole messaging process and then systemise the outreach for maximum results.

The whole process is done-with-you so you have a process that will work for you and your team in the months and years to come.

We monitor your campaigns for KPIs and metrics and make sure they are optimised for the best results.

You can expect [depending on your offer] 5-10 new leads per week if you follow the process fully.

That's 20-40 new leads a month and depending on your close rate, new business in your pipeline on a regular basis.

If this is of interest to you then message me and we can set up a chat to discuss how it can work for you.

Why LinkedIn And Cold Email
Why LinkedIn And Cold Email | Jen Bishop consulting lead generation agency london

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