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Blog: Blog2

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

I used to get stressed if prospects took their time to get back to me.

Or if a potential client ghosted me

Or said ‘yes’ and then didn’t pay or show up to further calls.

I used to anticipate rejection if a prospect canceled a call with me even before reading why they had to cancel.

I actually emailed a few clients a goodbye message only to learn that I had assumed too much.

And invariably the sale didn’t go ahead.

I used to get so stressed if people I was sure would say yes, ended with a no.

So much energy and attention, expectation, and attachment were tied to the YES.

Then I discovered tracking.

I recorded each prospect in a pipeline from "interested", to "not now maybe later", to "call completed no sale", "sale declined", then "sale closed", "not qualified", "no show", and "opted in for free training".

Each record showed me how many people were in my pipeline and the dollar value of their potential deals.

I could see MULTIPLE proposals and conversations at a glance.

I saw the big picture value of my pipeline - conversations, dollars, stages.

If one lead said no or disappeared, I had 10 more to follow up.

I could see that follow-up included several touchpoints - not just one or two.

This slowed down my assumptions.

Cleared my head of the anticipation of rejection.

I allowed prospects to take their time to reply before assuming and sending a damaging goodbye email.

It allowed me to settle into a patient follow-up process for leads who were interested.

If you are interested in improving your tracking, simply comment below for a copy of my tracking tool.

Tracking Reduces Attachment
Tracking Reduces Attachment | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency

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Updated: Sep 20, 2022

When it comes to business development, lead generation and sales - many people are afraid.

It’s awkward to feel spammy or pitchy when reaching lots of people.

It’s hard to hear “No” when offers are made.

It’s confusing if someone says “Yes” and you don’t feel quite ready.

It’s easier to focus on what you do best and wish someone else would handle the outreach and sales.

However, securing regular conversations and sales leads is the lifeblood of any business.

Without it, very good businesses die.

Most consultants and service providers who are responsible for their own business pipeline have to face the difficult reality.

Sell or die.

I always tell B2B consultants and service providers - action beats fear.

Setting a daily target to reach 20 people is far better than once a month trying to send 400 messages.

Tailor your message so it’s about THEM [not you] and offer genuine VALUE.

Follow up with MORE VALUE.

Manage your expectations and track ratios and KPIs to ensure you are on target.

If you send 100 messages per week, 20 per day.

Expect a 3-% positive reply rate.

That’s 3 to 4 leads each week for every 100 cold messages.

Depending on your sales closing rate that’s one new client each week.

Want more ? Increase your outreach.

Want less, simply decrease.

Accept NO in the course of life [And thank them for taking the time to reply]

Analysis paralysis will kill a good business.

Wanting someone else to bring in leads or waiting for referrals will limit cash flow considerably.

However, regular cold outreach [ACTION] with trump fear any day.

Action Trumps Fear
Action Trumps Fear | Jen Bishop consulting and digital marketing agency in London UK

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The answer is BOTH, however, there your PERSONAL profile is where the connection, messaging, invitation, and relationship building will occur.

LinkedIn is after all a social media, networking site. USE IT!!

Business Profile

  • Runs ads

  • Lists employees, and decision-makers and gives facts about the company

  • Shares company posts

  • Shares information about hiring and new roles

  • Back up and credibility behind your personal profile

Personal profile

  • Connects with leads

  • Shares own content with disruptive insights - text and video

  • Builds relationships with a network

  • Builds own authority as a thought leader

  • Demonstrates your unique distinctive experience and role within your team

  • Chats via DMs and send warm invitations

  • Hosts events, roundtables, masterclasses

  • Can conduct market research, polls, surveys

  • Lists recommendations and testimonials from happy clients

  • Found by skills, # hashtags, content, events, groups,

  • Networks, networks, networks

If you do not have an optimized LinkedIn profile then comment below for strategic consultation on how you can generate more leads using LinkedIn.

Should I Use My Personal LinkedIn Profile or My Business LinkedIn Profile?
Should I Use My Personal LinkedIn Profile or My Business LinkedIn Profile? | Jen Bishop consulting and digital marketing agency in London UK

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