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Blog: Blog2

Updated: Sep 10, 2022

You may fear that giving information away for free online is not good for your business.

People won’t pay for your advice or services if they have the information for free.

Or your competitors might take your IP and use it themselves, thus undermining you.

However, sharing your knowledge and expertise openly is great for your business for several reasons.

First, the information exists already somewhere online for free. If it doesn’t exist online, it will exist in a book somewhere.

It’s not the lack of information that your clients face but the overwhelming challenge of applying this information coherently.

They need someone who can help them organize the information and apply it, and this is where you come in.

Second, by sharing knowledge and expertise you build your authority and brand presence as someone who can consistently solve problems.

Competitors can imitate your content and solutions, but only your years of experience and thorough knowledge can create consistent solutions the way you can.

Third, by sharing openly, you remove any confusion, obscurity, or doubt in your prospect's mind that a solution is even possible.

Through copious case studies, you can show evidence of results achieved by other similar clients and therefore remove objections to the sale at the outset.

Ultimately it comes down to the three reasons why people pay for consultants and service providers:

2. Desire to get there faster

3. Desire to follow a proven system, map, or advice from somebody who has done it

Showing what you do, how you solve problems, and what results you create removes friction and opens the conversation for sale.

Clarity and confidence inspire trust. And business moves at the speed of trust.

Why You Should Give Away Your Knowledge For Free
Why You Should Give Away Your Knowledge For Free, Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency and marketing strategy social media London UK

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Updated: Sep 13, 2022

To quickly connect with and open a conversation with a B2B decision-maker is an art and science.

  • If you talk about what you do and ask if they are interested...... [DECLINE]

  • If you try to educate a cold prospect on your unique method..... [DECLINE]

  • If you show or demonstrate your product or service......[DECLINE]

Company reps are people with goals and objectives, dreams, and desires.

The company they represent measures its success in terms of profit, productivity, or company profile.

They are worried about the risk, the cost, the time, and the complexity of potential solutions.

They have quotas, metrics, and measures by which they are held accountable.

If you can understand the unique pains and desires of the human being, you connect with them.

And if you can show [quickly] that you can help them achieve these goals or overcome these pains.

Then you have a warm lead.

  • Education comes next.

  • The product demonstration comes next.

  • The bespoke method comes next.

Cold B2B conversations are as simple [and complex] as understanding the person you are connecting with.

And what they need and desire.

Cold outreach to new B2B prospects is hard
Cold outreach to new B2B prospects is hard, Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency and marketing strategy social media London UK

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Updated: Sep 13, 2022

In his book, 'The Four Disciplines of Execution' - Sean Covey talks about LAG and LEAD measures.

LAG measures growth are our success goals - such as losing weight or making a certain income target, etc.

They are called LAG measures grows because they are the result of behaviours that we do regularly.

However, they are often forgotten.

We usually focus on LAG measures and get frustrated when we cannot seem to achieve our goals.

On the other hand, LEAD measures grows are what we can control and execute daily.

For this reason, it is essential first to identify the LEAD measures that contribute to success.

  • # of pieces of content shared on social platforms,

  • # of outreach messages sent via email or LinkedIn

  • # of conversations started,

  • # of calls booked,

  • # of calls completed,

  • # of sales made.

Once LEAD measures are identified, you can track and measure your daily progress.

Measuring and tracking your achievements means you regain control of hitting your LAG measures and your success targets.

What are you measuring today?

What You Measure Grows, And Grows
What You Measure Grows, And Grows, Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency and marketing strategy social media London UK

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