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If you're an expert, author, consultant, or service provider you probably hate lead generation.

Hate cold calling.

Hate pitching yourself.

Unless you’re an extrovert, it does not sit well with you to spruik about your services, showing your face on every social platform.

You’re not like the gurus who seem to shout or boast or talk quickly, hyping up an audience.

It’s far better to just have a conversation with a prospect and talk intelligently to them about their business challenges.

Given this opportunity you could close 60% or more of your conversations into business - is that right?

Well never fear.

If you don’t like lead gen then using LinkedIn for business development is just for you.

The reason I say this is because B2B sales and indeed any high ticket sales are about relevance and distinction.

By this I mean it’s less about perceived fame, followers, or popularity. It’s less about hyperconfidence, positivity, and fast-talking.

Intelligent, busy people and companies looking for a solution want to speak to an expert who creates results for businesses like theirs.

92% of b2b prospects will speak to someone they perceive to have authority and thought leadership in their sector.

60% of the buying decision is done before the first meeting as prospects will look for a solution that is trusted and reputable.

So if you hate lead gen, how do you raise your authority, thought leadership, trust, and reputation in the market?

LinkedIn is the platform for B2B networking and lead generation because of the sheer volume of business decision-makers accessible via basic search functions.

The first step is to grow your network.

Just adding the right people to your network alone is a great step towards growing your reach.

The second step is to share value.

By this, I mean sharing insights into the problems your network faces that you uniquely solve.

Show how you address these problems with your distinct solution.

No hype, no bragging. Simply take the time to show your relevance to the network you are building.

People have problems that need solving. Think of it as your obligation to help them find the best solution for them.

The third step is to give direct invitations to your network to engage with you.

Invite them to a free masterclass, roundtable, or 1to1 consultation.

And I mean invite them via a direct message they cannot miss.

Don’t wait for them to reach out to you but give them the opportunity to engage with you directly.

A direct invitation to a more specific piece of value can deepen a relationship and give you valuable information about your prospect and even whether they would be a good client for you or not.

These three simple steps entail little in the way of what you might cringe about with selling - cold calling, pitching, larger-than-life presentations, and motivational speaking.

Instead, grow your network, add value, and give direct invitations to engage.

This simple process is responsible for thousands of dollars of business won on LinkedIn daily.

If you would like to build a high ticket lead generation system using LinkedIn then comment below and we can discuss.

Why LinkedIn Is Perfect If You Hate Selling Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency
Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency

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When it comes to business development, lead generation, and sales - many people are afraid.

It’s awkward to feel spammy or pitchy when reaching lots of people.

It’s hard to hear “No” when offers are made.

It’s confusing if someone says “Yes” and you don’t feel quite ready.

It’s easier to focus on what you do best and wish someone else would handle the outreach and sales.

However, securing regular conversations and sales leads is the lifeblood of any business.

Without it, very good businesses die.

Most consultants and service providers who are responsible for their own business pipeline have to face the difficult reality.

Sell or die.

I always tell B2B consultants and service providers - action beats fear.

Setting a daily target to reach 20 people is far better than once a month trying to send 400 messages.

Target the RIGHT people of course.

Tailor your message so it’s about THEM [not you] and offer genuine VALUE.

Follow up with MORE VALUE.

Manage your expectations and track ratios and KPIs to ensure you are on target.

If you send 100 messages per week, 20 per day.

Expect a 4% positive reply rate.

That’s 3 to 4 leads each week for every 100 cold messages.

Depending on your sales closing rate that’s one new client each week.

Want more? Increase your outreach.

Want less, simply decrease.

Accept NO in the course of life [And thank them for taking the time to reply]

Analysis paralysis will kill a good business.

Wanting someone else to bring in leads or waiting for referrals will limit cash flow considerably.

However, regular cold outreach [ACTION] will trump fear any day.

Action Beats Fear | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london UK
Action Beats Fear | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london UK

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Want to hire a team? Let us do it for you.

If you are busy generating leads for your consulting business using LinkedIn and cold email, you will quickly learn ..... it's time-consuming.

There is prospect research, list building, email validation, adding contacts on LinkedIn, sending messages, replying to messages, and following up with prospects.

Not to mention testing different messages to decision-makers to get the best results.

It's natural to think of adding team members who can handle these tasks - whether a marketing or sales representative or a virtual assistant.

Growing your team can save you time as the CEO and founder to outsource repetitive work to an assistant.

However, hiring a team member is no mean feat.

How do you know who a quality candidate is?

How do you manage a team remotely if they are virtually working?

What if you train and invest in them, and they leave, and you have to start again from scratch?

What if they drain your time with questions or deliver sub-par work?

Because of these challenges facing consultants and B2B agencies, we have launched a done-for-you service where WE MANAGE YOUR outreach for you.

We have qualified team members who can deliver specific tasks such as B2B prospect research, data validation, and campaign preparation,

We have standard operating procedures [SOPs] enabling them to send and reply to emails and LinkedIn messages, booking calls in your diary weekly.

As part of our service, we handle everything about your campaigns until a booked call.

We provide tracking, reports, and KPIs

We work with you on campaign strategy, scripts, and targets so you can have full visibility of the campaign's progress.

It also allows you to be fully hands-free and focus on handling clients, taking sales calls, and growing your business.

If you want a fully done-for-you service for B2B cold outreach using LinkedIn and cold email, email me, and we can talk.

Want To Hire A Team?  Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london
Want To Hire A Team? Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london

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