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Have you ever wondered how you can get a funnel full of hot leads, ready to buy now?

Other than referrals and inbound leads, how can you get more quick wins and easily sold clients?

This is the magic voodoo of sales - to generate the right leads, ready to buy and in fact, excited to buy from you, with no objections or hesitations.

Designing your funnel is critical to sales success.

You must understand the different types of leads, where they come from, their stage of maturity, and what is required to convert them into paying clients.

I have created a 30 min training on Building Your Outbound Organic Funnel.

This training covers the fundamentals of what a good funnel entails and how to shift cold leads into hot, full-fee paying clients, smoothly.

Check out the training here.

To your sales success.

Building Your Outbound Funnel | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency in London UK
Building Your Outbound Funnel | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency in London UK

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Every prospect that says yes to a conversation with you is teaching you about messaging that works is does not work.

Every conversation in which a prospect raises an objection, a question, or suspicion is teaching you about what is going on in their world.

Every prospect who says yes to working with you then disappears and never pays, is teaching you about something going on in your market.

Every presentation you give that elicits questions or yawns, is teaching you about what your market wants and needs to know.

Every prospect that chooses your competitor over you, is teaching you about solutions that are resonating.

Every client you serve who struggles to get results OR every client who gets results super easily is teaching you about how solutions are working for your target audience.

Every ad you create, every sales call you are on, and every case study or testimonial you record is teaching you about your market.

If you take all this feedback and channel it into creating a better offer, a better message, and a better solution, then your business will truly grow.

You never really ever stop creating your offer.

You’re only making it better.

Why You Are Always Creating Your Offer  | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency in London UK
Why You Are Always Creating Your Offer | Jen Bishop consulting best lead generation agency in London UK

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I used to suffer from a scarcity mindset.

I struggled to believe that anyone would pay me for my services.

I enjoyed reaching out and meeting strangers but hated moving the conversation to a pitch or offer.

I was nervous about stating my price.

When shifted my view to understand my total addressable market, I was able to reverse this scarcity mindset.

This was not via a woo-woo meditation, vision boarding, prayer, or declaring my intentions aloud.

It was simply via gaining perspective.

When I learned that on LinkedIn alone there were 600 million users and 250 million of them are active monthly, I gained perspective of the sheer volume of contacts at my fingertips.

Even if only 0.1% of these users represent companies I could help, that is still 250,000 monthly active users on LinkedIn.

And even if only 4% of them are ready to buy now, that leaves 10,000 monthly active users!

This leaves a total addressable market that is larger than I could help in 100 years.

When I also acknowledged that for the right clients, my services could unlock between $10k to $100k of revenue per deal, I realised that my price was proportional to the value I created.

Getting perspective of my total addressable market helped me to beat the scarcity mindset and get over my fear of cold prospecting, making an offer, or stating my price.

If you would like to understand your total addressable market and how to find them and target them with your offer, then reply to this message and we can set up a call.

Your Total Addressable Market [TAM] | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london UK
Your Total Addressable Market [TAM] | Jen Bishop consulting and lead generation agency london UK

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